Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!!uunet!microsoft!markro
From: markro@microsoft.UUCP (Mark Roberts)
Newsgroups: rec.birds
Subject: Re: urban eagle
Keywords: monday morning blues
Message-ID: <9041@microsoft.UUCP>
Date: 15 Nov 89 22:02:13 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To: markro@microsoft.UUCP (Mark Roberts)
Distribution: usa
Organization: Microsoft Corp., Redmond WA
Lines: 6

In article <> writes:
|really low, but a bird.  A big bird.  A really big bird.  It was a
|Bald Eagle, flying right in the middle of the city!

From our 'Truth is Stranger than Fiction' files:  I had the same experience
here in the Seattle area: at our 4th of July backyard picnic!