Xref: utzoo tor.general:1269 can.usrgroup:273
Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!daemon
From: zhou@white.toronto.edu (Songnian Zhou)
Newsgroups: tor.general,can.usrgroup
Subject: Ultrix Tracing Sites Sought
Message-ID: <89Nov14.135052est.30807@snow.white.toronto.edu>
Date: 14 Nov 89 18:52:09 GMT
Distribution: tor
Organization: University of Toronto, CSRI
Lines: 20

We have constructed a comprehensive tracing package for Ultrix that
collects trace records for system calls file and process system calls, 
all the block I/O operations to disks, and virtual memory paging and swapping. 
The package does not change the bahavior of the traced system, and incurs 
very low overhead. We are looking for production sites running Ultrix on 
VAX and RISC machines in the Toronto area. In return for allowing us to 
collect data from your site, we will provide results of data analysis that 
are useful in system performance assessment and tuning. Interested parties 
please respond to 

Professor Songnian Zhou
CSRI, University of Toronto
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A4
(416) 978-3610

Thank you in advance.

				Songnian Zhou