Path: utzoo!utgpu!!torsqnt!tmsoft!list-injector
From: rca@gompa.UUCP (Robert Ames)
Newsgroups: can.usrgroup
Subject: UUPC
Message-ID: <255c6918@gompa.UUCP>
Date: 11 Nov 89 18:46:48 GMT
Reply-To: Robert Ames 
Distribution: ont
Lines: 23
X-Mailer: UUPC/mail 1.095

Rasmus Lerdorf said ..

>Anyone know what the latest version of uupc available is?  The one I am
>running on my PC at home at the moment came from a package named interim.arc.
>However, the mail part of the package will not compile.  I have an executable
>which although it works leaves much to be desired.  If anyone has any info, I
>would appreciate hearing from you.

Are you using Turbo C?  My source compiles OK.  UUPC seems to be set up so
that you can make either UUIO or MAIL, depending on #defines.

I am presently looking at a program from California called WAFFLE, which
has supposedly been compiled under DOS, Xenis, A/UX, etc.  It runs as a BBS
or as a terminal, and does a pretty good job of emulating Unix.  The
release version will be 2.00, I have version 1.58 at present.

Royal Trust Product Initiatives Laboratory | "Opinions expressed may not
74 Victoria Street - 7th Floor             |  be shared by my employer"
Toronto, Ontario  CANADA  M5C 2A5          |
BBS: 416-867-9663                          |  Robert Ames
rca@rta.UUCP                               |  (416) 981-8077