Xref: utzoo comp.std.c:1643 comp.lang.misc:3469
Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!sharkey!rjf001!hpftc!teemc!ka3ovk!tgate!zardoz!uci-ics!orion.cf.uci.edu!usc!rutgers!psuvax1!news
From: flee@shire.cs.psu.edu (Felix Lee)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c,comp.lang.misc
Subject: Re: Return (errors, multi-items, etc.)
Date: 12 Aug 89 07:42:47 GMT
References: <2987@cuuxb.ATT.COM>
Sender: news@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu
Followup-To: comp.lang.misc
Organization: Penn State University Computer Science
Lines: 21
In-reply-to: mmengel@cuuxb.ATT.COM's message of 11 Aug 89 18:04:18 GMT

In <2987@cuuxb.ATT.COM>,
   mmengel@cuuxb.ATT.COM (Marc W. Mengel) asks:
> Is
>	{a,b,c} = f(x,y);
> really that much prettier than
>	f(x,y, &a,&b,&c);

Yes.  Much in the same way people write
	a = f(x);
rather than
	f(x, &a);
	call _f,1
	ld [%fp-0x8],%o0
	st %o0,[%fp-0x4]

You should say what you mean, not just mean what you say.

[Followups to comp.lang.misc.]
Felix Lee	flee@shire.cs.psu.edu	*!psuvax1!flee