Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!iuvax!cica!ctrsol!ginosko!uunet!quame!bryan
From: bryan@quame.UUCP (Bryan A. Woodruff)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Subject: Portability
Message-ID: <116@quame.UUCP>
Date: 9 Sep 89 03:55:02 GMT
Lines: 19

Here is a question directed towards those involved with ANSI C.

I have noticed a certain amount of care taken towards the "portability"
aspect of C...  When C was designed, was it not the idea to have a completely
portable language from system to system?  Do not all systems have a tree
directory or some other directory structure?  Why then are there not
portable functions for accessing the directories?  I want to write a module
that has the ability to access a directory (read, create, cd, etc...)
without having to worry about the operating system (i.e. MS-DOS, UNIX, 
(flavors), XENIX, etc)

When is C going to be completely portable, without having to worry about

Bryan Woodruff,
Product Manager/Senior Programmer
Quality America, Inc.
