Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!iuvax!purdue!haven!adm!smoke!gwyn
From: gwyn@smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Subject: Re: Semi constant expressions
Keywords: expressions, optimization, code generation
Message-ID: <10937@smoke.BRL.MIL>
Date: 5 Sep 89 16:45:04 GMT
References: <1237@gmdzi.UUCP> <10885@smoke.BRL.MIL> <>
Reply-To: (Doug Gwyn)
Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD.
Lines: 29

In article <> (Dolf Grunbauer) writes:
>In article <10885@smoke.BRL.MIL> (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>>In article <1237@gmdzi.UUCP> wittig@gmdzi.UUCP (Georg Wittig) writes:
>>>	0 * x			(x non-constant)
>>>Does (p)ANSI C say anything about which code should be generated for such
>>This falls naturally out of the specification.  The operands ARE evaluated,
>>so if `x' has side-effects they do occur.  If evaluation would produce what
>>the Standard labels as "undefined behavior", then the implementation can do
>>anything it likes including taking short cuts, but in cases where the
>>behavior is well defined the only short cuts permitted are those that
>>produce the same results as doing it the long way.
>How can you tell what will happen when 'doing it the long way' ?

I thought this was clear from what I said and from the context.  In the
	0 * x
if evaluation of the expression `x' would have observable side effects
then they MUST occur for a correct implementation of C.  In such a case,
an implementation that replaced the expression "0 * x" with the constant
"0" as an "optimization" would not be standard conforming.

The run-time behavior of a C program is defined in terms of the operation
of a "virtual machine" (with some deliberately fuzzy areas in its
specification, so it's really a class of virtual machines) and input/output
operations (which are usually what makes the program's behavior observable).
A correct implementation must produce observable results identical to those
that would be produced by the virtual machine (actually, by some member of
the class of virtual machines).