Xref: utzoo comp.software-eng:1953 comp.lang.c:21539 comp.misc:6911
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From: ab@ist.CO.UK (Andy Bartlett)
Newsgroups: comp.software-eng,comp.lang.c,comp.misc
Subject: Pmak/make paper got lost (was .*DAMNED.*)
Keywords: third attempt build make etc
Message-ID: <2386@istop.ist.CO.UK>
Date: 6 Sep 89 20:21:52 GMT
Organization: Imperial Software Technology, London, UK
Lines: 34

In the period since mid-June I have twice tried :-( to post a paper
"Using Pmak" - describing build control software that sits in front
of make and provides the user with a high-level front end. Neither seems
to have made it. "That time of the year" I suppose!

I wanted - AND STILL WANT - feedback on the article, for two reasons.

** My first is that I think the net is a good place to present work
   that you intend to publish elsewhere, as plenty of people are
   prepared to criticise constructively! Its easy to admit mistakes
   and discuss ideas over the net. Not so easy through the printed word!

** The second is that I want to take criticism etc before planning
   some longer term development work on the software.

Since the product is due for release this fall, re-sending the paper
would at this late stage be advertising - however I try to justify it to myself.
So I WON'T try to re-post.

But I will be very happy to mail a hard-copy by return to as many as
ask for it - and I will summarise any discussion it generates, both
to anyone who sends me feedback, and if it warrants, to the net.

I have already sent a number of copies to those who mailed me to ask
what happened to the paper. For those who have been waiting on
the re-posting thanks for your patience.

I'd be grateful if a few people who see this,  mail me to confirm
it got out. That way, if I hear nothing, I can repost, and repost, and repost...

 Go on - "Make" my day  :-)

 Andy Bartlett  (ab@ist.co.uk)