Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!!lll-winken!!jac From: (James Crotinger) Newsgroups: comp.lang.rexx Subject: AREXX Message-ID: <32085@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV> Date: 3 Sep 89 00:58:00 GMT Sender: usenet@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV Reply-To: (James Crotinger) Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/UC Davis Lines: 26 Tried to send this to eddie@at, but it bounced. Since the REXX on the Amiga is fairly popular, this might be of general interest... Note that I have no financial association with Bill Hawes, I'm just a very satisfied customer. Also, TINAR 8-). AREXX is an implementation of REXX for the Commodore Amiga. It is written by Bill Hawes. It is quite inexpensive (<$50). You can order it directly from Bill or you can get it mail order. Bill's address is P.O. Box 308 Maynard, MA 01754 and his phone is (617) 568-8695. Bill also has a shell, called WShell, that is AREXX compatable. Basically, it provides some special abilities to AREXX programs, and it also considers AREXX to be its main scripting language..i.e. if you type a command, the REXX: path is searched for the command before the regular command search path. Commodore has licensed AREXX and will include it in v1.4 of the OS. Jim