Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!!uunet!mcsun!sunic!tut!ra!chyde!ts
From: (Timo Salmi LASK)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.pascal
Subject: Re: Mouse Routines
Message-ID: <>
Date: 11 Sep 89 18:54:56 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To: (Timo Salmi LASK)
Organization: U of Vaasa, Finland
Lines: 15

In article <> () writes:
>I am looking for mouse routines for use with Turbo Pascal V5.0.
>	Can some one direct me to either an ftp site or email me source code.

Besides these alternatives, have you considered Turbo Professional.
It should include source code.

>-->  Sometimes I have evil thoughts......

Good for you.

Prof. Timo Salmi                                (Site
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: Funet: vakk::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun