Xref: utzoo alt.msdos.programmer:361 comp.sys.ibm.pc:34494 comp.lang.pascal:2312 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!hjuxa!mal From: mal@hjuxa.UUCP (LEACH) Newsgroups: alt.msdos.programmer,comp.sys.ibm.pc,comp.lang.pascal Subject: Programming for the DesqView Environment on IBM PC Keywords: Turbo Pascal or C Message-ID: <1595@hjuxa.UUCP> Date: 11 Sep 89 00:58:04 GMT Distribution: usa Organization: Digital Equipment Corp, Manalapan NJ Lines: 13 I would like to write some programs that will run under DesqView and take advantage of the message passing facilities (inter process comunication) provided by DesqView. I was wondering if anyone has done this in C or Pascal and could show me some subroutines that might get me started. Thanks -- Michael A. Leach uucp: {decvax,clyde,rutgers,decuac}!hjuxa!mal email: mal%hjuxa.unx.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com leach%unxa@decwrl.dec.com voice: (201) 577-6013 (day) (201) 905-2115 (night)