Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!rutgers!ucsd!sdcc6!ir230
From: ir230@sdcc6.ucsd.EDU (john wavrik)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.forth
Subject: Education Survey
Message-ID: <4650@sdcc6.ucsd.EDU>
Date: 6 Sep 89 16:17:37 GMT
Organization: University of California, San Diego
Lines: 27

                    FORTH EDUCATION SURVEY
A newly created Forth Education Working Group is in the process of conducting
a survey to collect information on those involved in teaching Forth. The 
working group is sponsored by the International Forth Interest Group (IFIG), 
The Institute for Applied Forth Research (IAFR), and the ACM Special Interest 
Group in Forth (SIGForth). If you are involved in Forth education but have not 
received a survey form please write to: 
                Forth Education Working Group
                c/o Jack W. Brown
                Mathematics Department
                British Columbia Institute of Technology
                3700 Willingdon Avenue
                Burnaby, B.C.
                V5G 3H2, CANADA
                                                  John J Wavrik 
                       Dept of Math  C-012 
                                                  Univ of Calif - San Diego 
                                                  La Jolla, CA  92093