Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!ames!uhccux!!!gwydir!gara!jhoward
From: jhoward@gara.une.oz ( STHO)
Newsgroups: aus.general,comp.databases
Subject: Statistical database security info. wanted
Keywords: security,databases,statistical
Message-ID: <1152@gara.une.oz>
Date: 12 Sep 89 11:55:55 GMT
Expires: 12 Sep 89 11:55:53 GMT
Reply-To: jhoward@gara.UUCP (Jeffrey Howard - STHO)
Organization: Uni. of New England, Armidale, NSW.
Lines: 11

I am currently writing a thesis concerning the release of personal information
from statistical databases. Specifically, ways it is done and how it is 
prevented. I would like to hear from anyone with knowledge of controls used
in commercial and government databases (eg. rounding, randomizing, size
restrictions, etc.). Anyone with such information to impart can mail me on the
above address. If there is any interest I will forward the usual summary of
responses to the net. Please note the expiry date.
