Xref: utzoo comp.databases:3563 comp.lang.c:21821 Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!wuarchive!gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!ginosko!usc!henry.jpl.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!hacgate!ashtate!dbase!awd From: awd@dbase.UUCP (Alastair Dallas) Newsgroups: comp.databases,comp.lang.c Subject: Re: B+ tree algorithm and source code Summary: Knuth, PC Tech Journal Message-ID: <214@dbase.UUCP> Date: 11 Sep 89 16:54:11 GMT References: <11525@boulder.Colorado.EDU> Organization: Ashton Tate Devlopment Center Glendale, Calif. Lines: 13 In article <11525@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, zhangy@spot.colorado.EDU (ZHANG YU) writes: > > Is there anyone know where I can find the B+ tree algorithm and source > code? Thank you in advance. Most will direct you to "The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3" by Knuth. If you would like a more accessible description of the algorithm with C source code, I recommend PC Tech Journal, February and March, 1985 which includes a two-part tutorial by Atindra Chaturvedi (p. 78 and p. 131). Hope it helps. /alastair/