Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!iuvax!!!!render From: Newsgroups: comp.databases Subject: Re: OO DBMSs (was Re: Extended RDB Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Sep 89 17:26:00 GMT References: <182314@<1989Sep3> Lines: 28 Nf-ID: #R:< Nf-From:!render Sep 4 12:26:00 1989 Written 5:23 pm Sep 3, 1989 by : >(John Orenstein requested analogies for 'adding a column' in O-O terms, >sorry I haven't the article on hand) > >I think this issue is important because it may help to define relational >operations as a proper subset of object-oriented operations, and let >OODBMS developers provide all standard relational capabilities in their >systems, which I think is a worthwhile goal. I have also included some >discussion of Linda, which is a DBMS in Krueger's sense, and well worth >investigating as a unifying access metaphor. There are other studies of the properties of changing OO schema and the effects on an active database: Qing Li and Dennis McLeod, "Object Flavor Evolution in an Object-Oriented Database System." In _Proceedings of the Conference on Office Information Systems_, edited by Robert B. Allen. March 1988, pp. 265--275. Jay Banerjee, Won Kim Hyoung-Joo Kim and Henry F. Korth, "Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases", ACM SIGMOD Notices, 16:3 (December 1987), pp. 311-322. Gia-toan Nguyen and Dominique Rieu, "Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Database Systems." Technical Report no. 947, Unite De Recherche, INRIA-Rocquencourt, December 1988. hal.