Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!att!pacbell!ames!purdue!decwrl!shelby!portia!!davef
From: (David Finkelstein)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
Subject: problems with rdump
Message-ID: <4304@portia.Stanford.EDU>
Date: 7 Aug 89 20:32:37 GMT
Sender: USENET News System 
Reply-To: (David Finkelstein)
Organization: Stanford University
Lines: 19

We're having a problem with rdump.  We have a nice 8mm dirve attached
to one of our Suns, and we'd like to rdump our A/UX drives to it.
Unfortunately, when we try to run rdump, we get the following error:

DUMP: Cannot open /dev/dsk/c3d0s0

We can run /etc/dump.bsd just fine and dump /dev/dsk/c3d0s0 to
/dev/null (for all the good it does us).

Has anybody else had this problem?  How have people been able to get
/etc/rdump to work?


David Finkelstein
Stanford University