Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!iuvax!rutgers!usc!bbn!oliveb!amdahl!apple!xanadu!michael
From: michael@xanadu.COM (Michael McClary)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
Subject: Re: tip on aux 1.1
Keywords: tip EOL non-MAC
Date: 4 Aug 89 12:14:15 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To: michael@xanadu.UUCP (Michael McClary)
Organization: Xanadu Operating Company, Palo Alto, CA
Lines: 13

In article <> (Cathy Segedy) writes:
>	I just acquired a MACIIcx with AUX 1.1 and am having a bit of trouble
>with tip.  Basically, if I call a non-MAC site, it refuses to recognize my
> (^M) as such.

This sounds to me like the mac tip is exhibiting correct behavior
(forwarding the keys as struck) and the remote site is rejecting
carriage return.  This sometimes happens because parity detection
is enabled at the remote site.  Try specifying the partity ("pa=none",
"pa=even", "pa=odd", "pa=one", or "pa=zero") in the /etc/remote entry
for the troublesome sites.