Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!purdue!haven!aplcen!osiris!johnj
From: johnj@osiris.UUCP (John Johnston
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
Subject: SCSI "generic disk Fatal Error" in 1.1
Keywords: arg?
Message-ID: <2919@osiris.UUCP>
Date: 2 Aug 89 15:17:40 GMT
Organization: Johns Hopkins Hospital
Lines: 30

	I have a MACII with 3 Apple 80SC drives hanging off it, at SCSI IDs
1,5, and 6. For some reason, when I try to first access a file system, I 
get this nice:

	"Disk Read cXd0s0 Error: Cannot select SCSI Device
	generic disk cXd0s0 Fatal Error: Logical block 0, physical block 0"

and my fsck hangs. Later I can mount it fine, and if I unmount it and fsck
it it behaves "normally". 

	I have eliminated (to my satisfaction) the following probable causes:
	- SCSI IDs. I have tried this with loads of different SCSI Ids.
	- Hard drive problems. I have tested the drives and used them for
		MacOs file systems without problem. Not only that, but I			have completely replaced and re-formatted all the drives
		in question at least once.
	So, anyone have an idea what's going on here ? I've set the flinking
thing up "properly", and, as a last resort did it "cookbook" from the AUX
systems administrator's reference section on adding and partitioning another
disk. I have it partitioned as a single UNIX file system, no MacOs partitions,
SCSI driver is present. Is this just ANOTHER undocumented "feature" of AUX ?

	Lately there has been a lot of AUX flamage in this group. I'd like
very much to join in, but I don't think that the engineers who read this
group are the problem. Is there any address or E-mailbox that is a proper
repository for unsolicited smoking testimonials about AUX ?
