Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!ncar!boulder!sunybcs!canisius!elgie
From: elgie@canisius.UUCP (Bill Elgie)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
Subject: Re: More fun with Dick & Jane...
Message-ID: <2419@canisius.UUCP>
Date: 2 Aug 89 06:48:00 GMT
References: <4144@utastro.UUCP> <285@afsg.Apple.COM>
Organization: Canisius College, Buffalo N.Y. 14208
Lines: 12

In article <285@afsg.Apple.COM>, ron@afsg.Apple.COM (Ron Flax) writes:
> In article <4144@utastro.UUCP> Alexis Rosen

> >Even more important, A/UX still uses the System V File System. This
> >is simply horrible. The reason is that Apple didn't want to take
> >the time to rewrite sash.
> Unfortunately this is true of *all* System V base UNIX ports.. 

   Not true.  For example, MIPS Corp's. 

   greg pavlov (under borrowed account), fstrf, amherst, ny