Xref: utzoo comp.unix.aux:1170 news.software.b:2692 Path: utzoo!attcan!sobeco!onfcanim!watmath!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!apple!cpdaux!steve From: steve@cpdaux.UUCP (Steve Lemke) Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux,news.software.b Subject: Re: Anyone get "NoNews" to run under A/UX? Message-ID: <369@cpdaux.UUCP> Date: 15 Jul 89 12:57:58 GMT References: <367@cpdaux.UUCP> <448@umigw.MIAMI.EDU> Reply-To: steve@cpdaux.UUCP (Steve Lemke) Organization: Computer Products Design, Santa Clara, CA Lines: 24 In article <448@umigw.MIAMI.EDU> aem@Mthvax.CS.Miami.Edu writes: }steve@cpdaux.UUCP (Steve Lemke) writes: }>I just recently tried to get the most recent release of NoNews (3 ?) to }>work on my Mac II running A/UX v1.1, but was unsuccessful. } }I had no problem with installing NN under A/UX 1.1, and have been using }it continuously. The s-aux1.1.h file included with PATCH.4 is one that }I submitted. I suspect that something in yours isn't set right. Ah, I've discovered that I'm missing PATCH.4. I should be receiving those from a friend of mine shortly. (Hello, Todd? You still there? :-) }By mail, I am sending you my config.h and s-aux1.1.h files. Thanks - I received them yesterday, and as soon as I get the PATCH.4 I'll try it all again. }aem -- ----- Steve Lemke ------------------- "MS-DOS (OS/2, etc.) - just say no!" ----- Internet: cpdaux!steve@apple.com GEnie: LEMKE ----- Or try: apple!cpdaux!steve CompuServe: 73627,570 ----- Quote: "What'd I go to college for?" "You had fun, didn't you?"