Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!ukma!gatech!mcdchg!motmpl!ron From: ron@motmpl.UUCP (Ron Widell) Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux Subject: Re: Fun with Dick and Jane Summary: Watch out for ulimit Keywords: cp, sash, mfs, hfs, ulimit Message-ID: <1320@motmpl.UUCP> Date: 1 Aug 89 04:01:14 GMT References: <10936@polya.Stanford.EDU> <1989Jul30.031813.751@servalan.uucp> Reply-To: ron@motmpl.UUCP (Ron Widell) Organization: Motorola Semiconductor, Minneapolis, MN. Lines: 28 In article <1989Jul30.031813.751@servalan.uucp> rmtodd@servalan.UUCP (Richard Todd) writes: [re. tape/floppy backup on A/UX 1.0] > Presumably you got all this software off of some Unix box to begin with; >why didn't you just do a straight uucp transfer to your home machine and >let it go overnight? At 2400bps you can move 6Meg in about 8 hours. A word of caution here- A/UX is SysV derived and thus has the ulimit parameter. I don't remember what it is by default (and my docs. are not at home) on A/UX, but on most SysV machines it's 2048 blocks = 1 Mbyte. It's rather unpleasant to have a large file transfer abort after 1 Mbyte because of this limit. In any case you'll still want to compress prior to the transfer. >in the "doesn't" category. I'm just glad that with A/UX, Apple has finally >started selling computers with real operating systems. -----AMEN----- >-- >Richard Todd > rmtodd@servalan.uucp >Motorola Skates On Intel's Head! -- Ron Widell, Field Applications Eng. |UUCP: {...}mcdchg!motmpl!ron Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., |Voice:(612)941-6800 9600 W. 76th St., Suite G | I'm from Silicon Tundra, Eden Prairie, Mn. 55344 -3718 | what could I know?