Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!!mailrus!!ucbvax!agate!shelby!polya!kaufman
From: kaufman@polya.Stanford.EDU (Marc T. Kaufman)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
Subject: Re: Fun with Dick and Jane
Message-ID: <11003@polya.Stanford.EDU>
Date: 1 Aug 89 04:20:59 GMT
References: <10936@polya.Stanford.EDU> <14726@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU> <1280@hydra.gatech.EDU> <282@afsg.Apple.COM>
Sender: Marc T. Kaufman 
Reply-To: kaufman@Polya.Stanford.EDU (Marc T. Kaufman)
Organization: Stanford University
Lines: 40

In article <282@afsg.Apple.COM> (Ron Flax) writes:
>You people are all complaining about problems with A/UX 1.0,
>all of these things are fixed in 1.1.  Furthermore 1.0 was
>primarily designed to be a first cut/developer release of
>A/UX to get a feel for what people would want in a UNIX
>product from Apple.  We've listened to the problems and have
>made the appropriate changes in 1.1.

No, you haven't.  I can still trash the console screen by starting a MacOS
application from a serial port.  I still can NOT run a second screen.  I still
can NOT do IO to fast tapes, or write physio blocks larger than 8K...
I still can't interface to an AppleTalk network with any Apple-sold
peripherals.  Where is the rest of the Toolbox -- starting with emulation of
the swap-mmu-mode trap, 32 Bit color support, etc.

>On the subject of getting 1.1, my understanding is that if
>you have subscribed to the Update Service, you should have been
>updated, otherwise you probably havn't.

That's not quite true, either.  I ordered the 1.1 upgrade (single kit) and
the 1.1 Manual upgrade at the same time -- 2/28/89.  I still have not
received any new manuals.  The money was paid, however.

>Please stop complaining about an outdated version of A/UX,
>if you have complaints about 1.1 on the other hand we'd like
>to hear them. A/UX is a *market driven* product, not an Apple

"market driven"??!  What market.  Certainly not the group that has already
purchased the product.  It must be those other folks who have yet to buy...

>Ron Flax

>DISCLAIMER: The above thoughts are my own and do not necessarily reflect
>            those of my employer.

That's too bad.

Marc Kaufman (