Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!iuvax!cica!ctrsol!ginosko!aplcen!haven!mimsy!!steveg From: (Steve Green) Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux Subject: Re: Apple 40SC Message-ID: <18821@mimsy.UUCP> Date: 30 Jul 89 06:27:09 GMT References: <745@dlcdev.UUCP> Sender: nobody@mimsy.UUCP Reply-To: (Steve Green) Organization: U of Maryland, Dept. of Computer Science, Lines: 15 oops, in typing this message, it occured to me that I may have posted some wrong in a previous post (about the tape Bup) and if this message seems to be in conflict with my other, use this one. To use the 40 Bup SC. Method 1. tar cf - {files} | tcb > /dev/rmt/tc? <- your scsi id here. this method is faster but assumes that your files will fit on one tape. If you want to archive more than one tape of stuff, you can specifiy 8k blocks with tar but it is much slower. tar cfvbB /dev/rmt/tc? 16 76700 {files} The number 76700 is the number of 512 byte blocks on a tape. This number I have slightly smaller than the size of the tape because not all of my tapes have the same capacity. mt status will tell you the capicity of a tape and you can calculate the number for your tapes.