Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!!usc!bloom-beacon!mit-eddie!genrad!decvax!dartvax!!earleh
From: (Earle R. Horton)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.aux
Subject: Re: Fun with Dick and Jane
Keywords: cp, sash, mfs, hfs
Message-ID: <14726@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU>
Date: 28 Jul 89 18:51:20 GMT
References: <10936@polya.Stanford.EDU>
Sender: news@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU
Reply-To: (Earle R. Horton)
Organization: Thayer School of Engineering
Lines: 27

In article <10936@polya.Stanford.EDU> shaff@Sesame.Stanford.EDU
	(Mike Shaff) writes:
>To some up my illustration of JUST ONE NIGHT OF PLEASURE (there have
>been others, but I want to save those stories for nights my children
>won't go to bed), I pushed across, via floppy, release 6.2.2 of MIT
>CScheme (approx 2 Mb)...

     Why don't you use the serial port?  A/UX comes with Kermit.  It
is a relatively simple matter to tell Kermit to listen to the modem
port, then put it in "server" mode.  If you are uploading programs
from a Mac to A/UX, then MacKermit will "send all files in the current
folder" if you tell it to, and your A/UX Kermit in server mode will
be happy to receive them.

     I once sent a 2 Mb file over a 2400 baud modem line.  I don't
know how long it took, nor do I care, because I took off for a real
night of pleasure once the transfer started...

>I used to believe that Apple was different, better.  Now, I wonder
>whether "the rest of us" referred to the suckers that are born every

     This is an interesting theory.  Anybody at Apple know whether
this is what it means?

Earle R. Horton