Path: utzoo!utgpu!!rutgers!dptg!att!mcdchg!usenet From: lane@ssc.UUCP (Lane Radcliffe) Newsgroups: comp.newprod Subject: Command Summary for XENIX System V, Release 2.3 Keywords: XENIX Pocket Reference, SCO Message-ID: <> Date: 3 Aug 89 15:50:21 GMT Sender: Followup-To: poster Organization: SSC, Inc., Seattle, WA Lines: 28 Approved: usenet@mcdchg.UUCP COMMAND SUMMARY FOR XENIX SYSTEM 5, RELEASE 2.3 Specialized Systems Consultants (SSC) announces publication of the **XENIX System V Command Summary for SCO XENIX Release 2.3** This 60 page, pocket-sized reference is the newest addition to a series of UNIX and C references published by SSC since 1983. The XENIX Command Summary provides an alphabetical listing of all user commands; a description of the command, an example of command format, and a listing of the options available. Also included are sections on ed, C Shell, regular expressions and a 4-page listing of new awk (nawk) commands. The retail price for the XENIX Command Summary is $6. Please call or write for information about trade discounts and reference customization. For more information, contact: Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC) P.O. Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155 (206) FOR-UNIX or (206) 527-3385 TLX: 151208415 FAX: (206) 527-2806 uw-beaver!sumax!amc-gw!ssc!lane or uunet!pilchuck!ssc!sales ********XENIX is a registered trademark Microsoft Corporation.**********