Xref: utzoo comp.misc:6669 alt.flame:8280 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!iuvax!purdue!haven!uvaarpa!hudson!astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU!gl8f From: gl8f@astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) Newsgroups: comp.misc,alt.flame Subject: Re: The GNU Public License Message-ID: <1811@hudson.acc.virginia.edu> Date: 31 Jul 89 00:26:04 GMT References:<26@ark1.nswc.navy.mil> <26719@agate.BERKELEY.EDU> <5351@ficc.uu.net> <9655@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> <1989Jul30.210646.12194@twwells.com> Sender: news@hudson.acc.virginia.edu Reply-To: gl8f@Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) Organization: Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia Lines: 44 In article <1989Jul30.210646.12194@twwells.com> bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) writes: >Most of the anti-GNUs have learned that arguing with those who >approve of the GNU philosophy is like arguing with medieval religious >fanatics: there is no positive gain to be had, and one is likely to >get torched as well! (There maybe ought to be a smiley there, but >while the modern torching is metaphorical, it is just as real.) Why argue with them? They give away software; you can either use it or not. You can agree with their opinions about intellectual property or not. Best of all, you can ignore them completely. I live with lots of people with whom I disagree, yet I live in peace. >The GNU philsophy is so brain-damaged that no person who actually >*thinks* about it would hold it. (For clarification, I'm referring to >the ideas relating to intellectual property rights, not to the idea >of providing free software.) However, insulting the intelligence of those who don't agree with you is a poor debating tactic. No wonder you have little luck convincing anyone. >But to those who are confused about the issue, I will just point out >that the FSF is a parasite on that which they despise. Consider the >status of a parasite that would kill its host, the morality of a >person who would destroy the society that makes his morality >practicable, and the rationality of biting the hand that feeds you. Imminent Death of Commercial Software Predicted!! Just think of all those companies writing C compilers and editors that will go out of business because their products are inferior to GNU C and GNU Emacs? Sniff, sniff. FSF will not kill the computer industry. And why is this in comp.misc anyway? Intellectual property rights sounds more like a topic for misc.legal, imminent death of this or that for misc.headlines or alt.conspiracy, and parasites for sci.medical. Sweeping insults of the intelligence of this or that group is appropriate for alt.flame, not cross-posts. ------ Greg Lindahl gl8f@virginia.edu I'm not the NRA.