Xref: utzoo comp.lsi:789 comp.lsi.cad:215 Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!rutgers!gatech!mcnc!kenkel From: kenkel@mcnc.org (Stephen Kenkel) Newsgroups: comp.lsi,comp.lsi.cad Subject: Spice Level 3 charge modeling Keywords: spice, xqc, charge Message-ID: <5009@alvin.mcnc.org> Date: 3 Aug 89 17:49:55 GMT Organization: Microelectronics Center of NC; RTP, NC Lines: 24 Does anyone have a publicly distributed version of Spice (TM) which has accurate charge modeling for the Level III MOS device model? Our copy of Spice2g6 (the "standard" Fortran version) has the charge-modeling code commented out. Spice3a7 and Spice3b2 both seem to be missing this code, and have comments indictating "bypass charge modeling." One test is the paramter xqc. Spice2g6 ignore this parameter, without complaining. Spice3* complains, and then ignores the parameter. (This paramter effects the partitioning of the channel charge, and is also used as a flag to choose between the Meyer and the Ward/Dutton charge modeling. The charge effects can most easily be seen in the high frequency response with AC analysis) I tried to re-activate the code (set ICHARGE=1) in Spice2g6, but in our distribution the charge function (mos3q) is not passed the appropriate parameters, and I would prefer not to hack up foreign code. Can anyone shed light on this problem? (We are trying to verify our implementation of the Level III model in our own circuit level simulator, CazM) Thanks