Path: utzoo!attcan!utgpu!watmath!isishq!f171.n221.z1.FIDONET.ORG!izot
From: izot@f171.n221.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Geoffrey Welsh)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Amiga <=> C64/128 Transferring ???
Message-ID: <2358.246E4D4E@isishq.FIDONET.ORG>
Date: 14 May 89 15:13:04 GMT
Sender: ufgate@isishq.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.25)
Organization: FidoNet node 1:221/171 - Izot's Swamp, Kitchener ON
Lines: 59

 > From:
 > Message-ID: <>
 > I am looking for a program that will convert a BASIC program file to an
 > ascii form on the C64/128.  My hope is to convert a couple of BASIC
 > programs over to an ascii form so that I can transfer them over to my
 > Amiga.  Also, does anyone have pinouts for a direct connection between
 > the two machines.  I won't have access to a modem for the my 128 after
 > another week.  Thanks.
   I'll tackle the physical layer first: any RS-232 interface for the C64/128 
will do. A null modem just "exchanges" certain lines and, since C64 terminal 
programs don't do hardware handshaking the following schematic will do:
        Pin             Pin
        ---             ---
         1 ------------- 1
         2 ------v------ 2
         3 ------^------ 3
         7 ------------- 7
         8 ------------- 20
        20 ------------- 8
   Note that pin 2 on one connector is wired to pin 3 on the other, etc.; the 
pin 20 - pin 8 bridge fakes carrier detect (may not be necessary); pins 1 & 7 
are ground, they may be commoned so that only one wire is needed in stead of 
   If you're using an Omnitronix Deluxe (or similar interface), you can get 
away with changing the switches to "printer" from "modem" and you don't need 
to cross the wires at 2 & 3 (a "gender changer" may be necessary, though, to 
get the interface to plug into tha Ami... then again, it may not, depending on 
which model you have... I think...)
   OK, now software: I suppose you could write custom software if you want to 
move masses of programs accross, but it might be quicker & easier to do it 
this way:
   Now load up your favorite terminal and send [asciiname] to the Ami (this 
will convert from PETSCII to ASCII). If the program list is too long (which 
may be the case), simply use LIST xxxx-yyyy to list a range and merge them on 
the Ami.
   Please keep in mind that anything but trivial programs will have to be 
modified to run under AmigaBASIC; programs that use PEEK, POKE, SYS, or USR 
may be particularly difficult.

 Geoffrey Welsh - via FidoNet node 1:221/162
     UUCP: ...!watmath!isishq!171!izot
 Internet: izot@f171.n221.z1.FIDONET.ORG