Xref: utzoo comp.sys.cbm:2605 sci.electronics:6027
Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!mailrus!purdue!bu-cs!bucsb!gerosa
From: gerosa@bucsb.UUCP (Bill Gerosa)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm,sci.electronics
Subject: Area Code Program and Free Telephone Calls
Message-ID: <2509@bucsb.UUCP>
Date: 29 Apr 89 19:48:16 GMT
Distribution: na
Organization: Boston Univ Comp. Sci.
Lines: 29

  B&G Enterprises sells an interesting machine code program for the
Commodore 64/128 computers on disk.  It is called TELOCATOR.  It
contains all of the area codes used in the USA and some surrounding
areas.  Each area code is accompied by the state it is used in and
a major city in that state it is used in.  The program sllows you to
search the files, edit the files, print the files, save the files and
all of the usual stuff.  It costs $12.95, shipping included.
  Another product is called HAVOC.  It is a program that allows you
to call a list of telephone numbers or just one time and time again.
You can set up the time for calls to begin, or start as soon as you
enter the number(s).  It automatically creates a sequential number
list when the user enters the top and bottom numbers.  So it can create
numbers 428-0000 to 428-1234 by the user just typing in the lower and
upper limits.  These lists can be saved, edited, and printed.  The
program keeps tabs of all numbers and how many times each was called in
a handy pull down lists.  The program recognizes BUSY signals and when
it connects with a computer.  The time of each call, and length of each
call is set by the user or can be put into random mode.  This program is
compatible with HAYES and the 1671 modems.  This is also $12.95, shipping
included.  Instructions for each of the above programs is on their
respective disks.
  Their last product is a flyer on how to make FREE telephone calls.  This
costs $7.00.  They are vey careful to state that this method should NOT be
used and the flyer is provided in the spirit of learning ONLY.

  Disclaimer:  As always, I have no ties with the above company.

  Christopher T. Burt