Path: utzoo!utgpu!watmath!isishq!f178.n221.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Matthew.Desmond
From: Matthew.Desmond@f178.n221.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Matthew Desmond)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: DesTerm gripes
Message-ID: <2274.2457E325@isishq.FIDONET.ORG>
Date: 26 Apr 89 13:11:27 GMT
Sender: ufgate@isishq.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.25)
Organization: FidoNet node 1:221/178 - Desmond's Dungeon, Waterloo ON
Lines: 78

Guys, guys, guys...
  I see my DesTerm program is causing some grief.  I certainly anticipated
some probelms here and there, but what I am seeing here takes the cake.  I
will address several points in this message and as such, my own gripes are
directed at no-one in particular...
Problems with 8N1, well, lets see...  VT100 is a seven bit protocol, there is
no need for 8 bits.  BUT if you tell DesTerm that the communication is 8N1,
then it will use 8N1 -- It will leave the high bit blank when sending the
characters over the modem -- this is fine.  The problem comes when a parity
bit (the same high bit!) comes back accross the modem.  Since DesTerm can
display 256 characters, and you expressly said it could (8N1), it does just
that!  The result is, of course, utter garbage!  Well, there are two possibe
  1) Use 7 bits!
  2) Select MASK HIGH BIT in the PROTOCOL SETTINGS menu!
The VT100 problems.  Well, yes, DesTerm V1.01 does have a few flaws.
Unfortunately these flaws tend to make the thing useless.  I have looked at
all of the 'don't work' errors and have fixed them all.  I have gotten myself
a small torture test, and DesTerm passes with flying colours.  I cannot do
much more testing, since it always worked fine with the UNIX I used anyway.
If somebody doesn't mind BetaTesting V1.02 for me, I suppose that would help.
My god, periods at the end of the menu options -- so what?  As for the LED's -
- I have applications that use them -- including a torture test.  Most of the
current menu options are visible before you enter the menu to change them
anyway, try the status line.  The menus are great for learning how to use
DesTerm, but it is true that they are a pain later on.  Never fear -- Hotkeys
are present in V1.02.
Funny graphics appear in place of text.  This is due to a small problem in the
alternate char set selection procedures.  Not much you can to right now except
wait for V1.02 -- sorry.
The disk errors are a new one to me -- explicit info on drives etc would help
I think that 'a wild white colour' is the default colour (dull white).  When
DesTerm gets a ESC[0m command it resets to this colour -- if you don't like it
use monochrome.  I may make ESC[0m reset to the text colour choice in the next
Hangup works great -- if the modem is set correctly.
While I'm at it -- does anyone have the doc's to kermit (the protocol) -- I
would like to implemement it, but I have to tech docs on it.  Source is no
help really -- too 'author specific'.
I think that many of you have run DesTerm found a problem and made a hasty
judgement.  This is a complex program that takes time to learn -- but well
worth it once you have.  It would also seem that may people have not bothered
to read the manual -- it explains how to set things up so that the DesTerm
environemnt is friendly.
Some of the V1.02 features (soon now) are:
Each number in the directory is associated with a function key file, character
set and many of the 'terminal settings'.  Just dial and wait for a connect --
all of the parameters are set up for you.
Hotkeys are also included.  All of the common functions are available using a
shifted key combination -- this makes things real fast!
I have put much effort into this program -- you guys have the right not to
like it, but IT has the right to a fair trial.
Matthew E. Desmond.

 Matthew Desmond - via FidoNet node 1:221/162
     UUCP: ...!watmath!isishq!178!Matthew.Desmond
 Internet: Matthew.Desmond@f178.n221.z1.FIDONET.ORG