Path: utzoo!attcan!telly!ziebmef!ncrcan!hcr!keith
From: keith@hcr.UUCP (Keith Rowe)
Newsgroups: tor.general
Subject: Re: House to share
Message-ID: <162@hcr.UUCP>
Date: 4 Apr 89 20:51:33 GMT
References: <160@hcr.UUCP>
Reply-To: keith@hugin.UUCP (Keith Rowe)
Organization: HCR Corporation, Toronto
Lines: 14

In article <160@hcr.UUCP> keith@hcr.UUCP (Keith Rowe) writes:
>Two reasonable, non-smoking men seek a third to share a
>house near Weston and Wilson.

>great location for anyone who works in the northeast of
                                            ^^^^^^^^^---- northwest, actually
>the Metro area (or even York University students).       (Sorry about that)
>Price: $400/mo + utilities.
>For more information, contact Keith Rowe at 922-1937 (days) or 
>740-8992 (evenings).