Path: utzoo!lsuc!hcr!larry From: larry@hcr.UUCP (Larry Philps) Newsgroups: tor.general Subject: BSD Networking Software Message-ID: <266@hcr.UUCP> Date: Wed, 12-Apr-89 12:05:40 EDT Article-I.D.: hcr.266 Organization: HCR Corporation, Toronto Lines: 17 This is the stuff that Berkeley decided had no AT&T code in it and which they offered as "freely redistributable" last December. It included all the kernel code for sockets, tcp/ip, xns, ..., and all the networking related user code. According to the posting, the only way to get the stuff was to mail US$400.00 to Berkeley and wait. Did anyone in Toronto aquire a copy of this software? If so, can I get a copy from you? I am going to order it from Berkeley anyway, but would like to get a copy ASAP rather than waiting for a tape to arrive from California. Thanks. --- Larry Philps HCR Corporation 130 Bloor St. West, 10th floor Toronto, Ontario. M5S 1N5 (416) 922-1937 {utzoo,utcsri,lsuc,uunet}!hcr!larry