Newsgroups: tor.general
Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!greiner
From: (Russ Greiner)
Subject: recent SCIENCE magazine
Message-ID: <>
Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Distribution: tor
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 89 17:12:23 EDT

I am looking for a copy of the recent (24 March 1989) issue of the "Science"
journal.  Unfortunately, bookstores no longer sell them, as they are only
available by subscription.

Please let me know if you have a copy you'd be willing to sell
(or better yet, to give away).

Thank you.

	Russ Greiner
		(416) 978-6277

| Russ Greiner                     U of T, Toronto M5S 1A4 CDN | 
|		  uunet!utai!greiner   |
|            (416) 978-6277 |