Path: utzoo!utgpu!!mailrus!uflorida!gatech!emcard!dekalb!murphyjo
From: murphyjo@dekalb.UUCP (john)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: C128,C128D, and C128C??? Questions
Keywords: C128,C128D, and C128C??? Questions
Message-ID: <270@dekalb.UUCP>
Date: 9 Mar 89 18:55:20 GMT
Organization: DeKalb College, Clarkston, Ga.
Lines: 41

>Hello out there,
>	My boss just purchased a C-128D for his home and has had a C-128 at the
>office for some time to do a general ledger and keep up a data base of costumer
>and print shipping lables for packages.  I wanted to know if any one could     
>answer some questions we have had:
>	1.  What besides the disk drive is different on the new system(I have 
>read a while back in a product reveiw that the newer machine had 64K 80-col
>video RAM, instead of the 16K on the older models).
>	2.  What is Quantom Link and is it worth joinning???  I have read 
>some not so nice comments about Q-link and wanted to know 'The Rest of The
>	3.  In reguards to #1(above) how can this video RAM be accesed on the
>newer model.  I have an assembly routine taken from Computes book on said 
>older model, but I want to know if the same will work on the newer model???

Hello Again,

	This is re-posting of my preivious acrticle, I have not seen any 
respopnese on the net and have not received any mail on this!  I know my re-
posting may upset some people, but I do need the requested info! Please tell
me if this the wrong news group to submit to and I will post to the proper 
news group!
	In my original article I did fail to state that I would perfere that
all respones be mailed to me, and I mail back to confirm that I recieved it 
and will post a summary of the responeses back here(or a better place if any-
one would provide me a more proper place to post these sorts of questions)!!!
			Signed (actually typed)
				Joseph Murphy (aka murphyjo@dekalb)
|Joseph(Joe) B. Murphy      	    |  JOIN:                                   |
|EMAIL:  murphyjo@dekalb       	    |       Math                               |
|USMAIL:  39911 Cardinal ct.        |       Majors                             |
|         Tucker, GA  30084         |	    Against                            |
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