Xref: utzoo news.lists:560 news.groups:5312
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From: reid@decwrl.dec.com (Brian Reid)
Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups
Message-ID: <14835@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 3 Sep 88 09:51:14 GMT
Sender: reid@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: DEC Western Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, Calif., USA
Lines: 53
Approved: reid@decwrl.dec.com

A companion posting explains the statistics and the algorithms that produced

       +-- Estimated total number of people who read the group, worldwide.
       |     +-- Actual number of readers in sampled population
       |     |     +-- Propagation: how many sites receive this group at all
       |     |     |      +-- Recent traffic (messages per month)
       |     |     |      |     +-- Recent traffic (kilobytes per month)
       |     |     |      |     |      +-- Crossposting percentage
       |     |     |      |     |      |    +-- Cost ratio: $US/month/reader
       |     |     |      |     |      |    |       +-- Share: % of newsreaders
       |     |     |      |     |      |    |       |   who read this group.
       V     V     V      V     V      V    V       V
  1 29000  2313   99%     1   38.7   100%  0.00   11.6%  comp.sources.unix
  2  1300   106   93%     2    1.8   100%  0.00    0.5%  comp.sys.tahoe
  3  2600   206   63%     6   12.1    83%  0.01    1.0%  sci.math.num-analysis
  4  6500   514   97%    32   60.9    70%  0.02    2.6%  sci.bio
  5  5800   465   96%    42   59.2    68%  0.02    2.3%  comp.sys.intel
  6  2000   158   63%   197  402.1    68%  0.22    0.8%  alt.individualism
  7  9200   733   98%    16  145.6    67%  0.03    3.7%  news.lists
  8  4400   354   80%     3    3.6    67%  0.00    1.8%  comp.sys.ibm.pc.net
  9  9300   739   89%    47   68.3    61%  0.01    3.7%  comp.editors
 10  6500   516   98%     5    9.3    60%  0.00    2.6%  comp.std.misc
 11 18000  1425   89%   577  987.9    56%  0.09    7.1%  misc.consumers
 12 14000  1088   96%    73  183.0    54%  0.02    5.5%  comp.ai
 13  8200   656   98%    25   37.0    54%  0.01    3.3%  comp.bugs.sys5
 14  3200   252   84%    90  282.9    52%  0.13    1.3%  talk.religion.newage
 15 12000   952   99%    84  146.3    51%  0.02    4.8%  comp.std.c
 16  6500   518   98%    23   34.4    50%  0.01    2.6%  comp.sys.dec
 17  4000   318   98%     2   18.6    50%  0.01    1.6%  comp.org.decus
 18  3800   299   93%    10   13.6    50%  0.01    1.5%  comp.ivideodisc
 19  3400   271   79%     8   14.5    50%  0.01    1.4%  comp.theory.cell-automata
 20  9000   714   98%    34   49.5    47%  0.01    3.6%  comp.bugs.4bsd
 21 10000   794   98%    37   74.0    46%  0.01    4.0%  comp.mail.misc
 22 10000   832   96%    42   60.4    45%  0.01    4.2%  comp.periphs
 23  7100   563   98%    11   15.2    45%  0.00    2.8%  comp.protocols.misc
 24  4800   384   56%    73  135.6    45%  0.03    1.9%  alt.drugs
 25  9200   730   98%    70  154.9    44%  0.03    3.7%  news.software.b
 26  4200   335   96%     9   31.7    44%  0.01    1.7%  comp.std.internat
 27 17000  1376   98%    90  239.7    43%  0.02    6.9%  news.admin
 28  6900   550   88%     7   10.7    43%  0.00    2.8%  rec.misc
 29  2300   184   96%    24   32.9    43%  0.02    0.9%  comp.sys.ti
 30  5600   444   86%    12   17.8    42%  0.00    2.2%  soc.misc
 31  9500   756   96%   142  276.7    40%  0.05    3.8%  sci.misc
 32  4200   332   81%     5    8.8    40%  0.00    1.7%  comp.periphs.printers
 33  1800   145   85%    67  147.4    40%  0.12    0.7%  rec.equestrian
 34  2900   229   96%    33  102.7    39%  0.06    1.1%  comp.sys.m6809
 35  9000   718   96%    53  138.4    38%  0.03    3.6%  comp.edu
 36  1900   149   98%     8    9.5    38%  0.01    0.7%  comp.bugs.2bsd
 37    63     5    0%    92  154.2    38%  0.02    0.0%  unix-pc.general
 38 22000  1726   89%   249  268.6    37%  0.02    8.6%  misc.forsale
 39 13000  1019   96%   175  283.9    37%  0.04    5.1%  sci.electronics
 40  9600   767   98%   332  523.4    37%  0.09    3.8%  comp.unix.xenix