Xref: utzoo comp.sys.cbm:1402 news.groups:3827 Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm,news.groups Path: utzoo!utgpu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!godzilla.ele.toronto.edu!leblanc From: leblanc@godzilla.ele.toronto.edu (Marcel LeBlanc) Subject: Re: new newsgroups Message-ID: <8805191749.AA03885@mothra.ele.toronto.edu> Summary: Need binaries also Keywords: comp binaries cbm Organization: EECG, University of Toronto References: <5502@emcard.UUCP> Date: Thu, 19 May 88 12:29:40 EDT In article <5502@emcard.UUCP> mat@emcard.UUCP (Mat Waites) writes: > >I feel like a good way of distributing software to the comp.sys.cbm crowd >would be to vote on "standard" language development tools and then distribute >sources. If the group can pick a C (power C) and an assembler to use, then >the posting of binaries would be unnecessary. I disagree on two points: I don't think we can choose an assembler standard that would satisfy everyone. More importantly, I don't think that C could possibly be chosen as the high level language standard. The availability of C compilers is relatively recent for the C64/C128 world. The VERY vast majority of non-assembler programs written for the C64 are written in BASIC. My development language of choice for the C128 (and C64) is assembler (BUDDY 128, PAL 64). >The sizes of the sources are generally smaller than binaries (in C, anyway) ^^^^^^^ For SMALL C programs maybe, but not for anything large, and especially not for assembler programs of any size! > W Mat Waites | PHONE: (404) 727-7197 > Emory Univ Cardiac Data Bank | UUCP: ...!gatech!emcard!mat > Atlanta, GA 30322 | Marcel A. LeBlanc University of Toronto -- Toronto, Canada also: LMS Technologies Ltd, Fredericton, NB, Canada CSNET: leblanc@godzilla.ele.toronto.edu CDNNET: <...>.toronto.cdn UUCP: {decvax,ihnp4,linus,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsri!godzilla.ele!leblanc ARPA: leblanc%godzilla.ele.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net BITNET: leblanc@godzilla.ele.utoronto (may not work from all sites)