Xref: utzoo news.groups:3807 comp.sys.cbm:1396
Path: utzoo!attcan!uunet!lll-winken!lll-lcc!lll-tis!ames!think!bloom-beacon!gatech!hubcap!ncrcae!ncr-sd!ncrlnk!ncrcce!c10sd3!anderson
From: anderson@c10sd3.Comten.NCR.COM (Joel Anderson)
Newsgroups: news.groups,comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: gif group, tools?
Keywords: cbm, C64, GIF
Message-ID: <234@c10sd3.Comten.NCR.COM>
Date: 17 May 88 14:16:12 GMT
Reply-To: anderson@c10sd3.StPaul.NCR.COM (Joel Anderson)
Organization: NCR Comten, St. Paul, MN
Lines: 16

Hmmmmm ..... I have noted the increased interest in GIF format....
and have to ask the inevitable question: are there GIF tools for
our friend the C64?  I have many transfer tools for graphics...
RLE -> Geos,Koala,Doodle , Koala <-> Doodle, Koala... etc,etc
and would be interested in getting something a bit more machine 
independant.  Also if the proposed GIF/Pix group (go check the News.Groups 
and vote) gets going it won't be much use if I can't get at these things
at home....

Notes, E-MAIL, posted binaries - any feedback is welcome (but, no, I can't
go to Compu$erve [well I COULD - but my wallet has limits] as I already 
am using Quantum Link)

Thanks in advance, etc,etc,.....
