Xref: utzoo alt.aquaria:449 sci.bio:1173
Path: utzoo!hoptoad!amdcad!ames!ncar!oddjob!uwvax!uwmcsd1!marque!gryphon!richard
From: richard@gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton)
Newsgroups: alt.aquaria,sci.bio
Subject: Re: Resealing & Tubiflex Worms
Summary: That's tubiFEX dammit !
Message-ID: <3966@gryphon.CTS.COM>
Date: 12 May 88 06:02:55 GMT
Reply-To: richard@gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton)
Distribution: na
Organization: Trailing Edge Technology, Redondo Beach, CA
Lines: 17
Followuo-to: alt.aquaria

In article <24387@bbn.COM> emiller@bbn.com (ethan miller) writes:
>After hearing all these terrible stories about tubifex worms,
>I'd like to know if this applies to live tubifex worms only, or
>does it also apply to freeze-dried tubifex worms?  I've fed
>freeze-dried worms for quite a while, and (I think) never had
>any problems from them.

Freeze dried worms are supposed to be safe; this is borne
out by my experience.

But arnt some "bugs" impervious to cold and vacuum ?

               noalias went. it really wasn't negotiable
richard@gryphon.CTS.COM                          rutgers!marque!gryphon!richard