Xref: utzoo talk.bizarre:12247 misc.legal:4757 talk.politics.misc:9771 talk.origins:1524 sci.bio:1166
Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!bbn!rochester!pt.cs.cmu.edu!sei!sei.cmu.edu!rsd
From: rsd@sei.cmu.edu (Richard S D'Ippolito)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre,misc.legal,talk.politics.misc,talk.origins,sci.bio
Subject: Re: Are Animals Patentable?
Message-ID: <5395@aw.sei.cmu.edu>
Date: 9 May 88 16:41:27 GMT
References: <2087@bgsuvax.UUCP>
Sender: netnews@sei.cmu.edu
Reply-To: rsd@ae.sei.cmu.edu.UUCP (Rich D'Ippolito)
Distribution: na
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, SEI, Pgh, Pa
Lines: 15
Keywords: chromosomes chimpanzee privet hedge

In article <2087@bgsuvax.UUCP> Ken Jenkins writes:

>Consider the following from The Dragon's of Eden by Carl Sagan;
> For we all know, occasional viable crosses between humans and
>chimpanzees are possible. The natural experiment must have been
>tried very infrequently, at least recently. If such offspring
>are ever produced, what will their legal status be?"

Hell, that's too easy: Same as Astronomers and SF writers!
