Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!wiley!doug
From: doug@wiley.UUCP (Doug Rudoff)
Subject: Re: Australian bats - placental or marsupial?
Message-ID: <2169@wiley.UUCP>
Date: 8 May 88 04:39:30 GMT
References: <>
Reply-To: doug@wiley.UUCP (Doug Rudoff)
Organization: TRW Inc., Redondo Beach, CA
Lines: 26

In article <> (Richard White) writes:

> Questions: a) are Australian bats placental or


> b) if placental, are there any other indigenous placental
>mammals in Australia ( if indeed bats are indigenous )

Dingoes and humans.  Actually the answer to the question depends on
how you define indigenous. The marsupials evolved on Australia. The
others are immigrants. It's pretty obvious how bats and human could
get to Australia, but I'm not sure on the orgin of the dingo.

> c) are there any
>species of flying marsupials ( i.e. not gliding ) elsewhere in the world?


Doug RUDOFF        TRW Inc, Redondo Beach, CA  {cit-vax,trwrb,uunet}!wiley!doug
H: (213) 318-9218  W: (213) 812-2768               wiley!