Xref: utzoo comp.mail.misc:998 comp.mail.uucp:1298 news.sysadmin:671
Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!att!pacbell!ames!ncar!boulder!sunybcs!bingvaxu!leah!itsgw!steinmetz!vdsvax!barnett
From: barnett@vdsvax.steinmetz.ge.com (Bruce G. Barnett)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc,comp.mail.uucp,news.sysadmin
Subject: Re: I do *NOT* forward AT&T Mail messages (AT&T mail is a premium service)
Keywords: attmail, mail, email, $$$, money
Message-ID: <4369@vdsvax.steinmetz.ge.com>
Date: 12 May 88 10:28:10 GMT
References: <356@icus.UUCP>
Reply-To: barnett@steinmetz.ge.com (Bruce G. Barnett)
Organization: General Electric CRD, Schenectady, NY
Lines: 31
In article <356@icus.UUCP> lenny@icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
|Someone's maps are bogus for node icus. I never published a map with
|attmail being one of the sites I forward mail to.
From u.usa.ny.2 as of today:
#N icus
#S AT&T 3B1/UNIX PC, UNIX System V, Rel. 3.51a
#O ICUS Computer Group [Development System I]
#C Leonard B. Tropiano
#E icus!lenny, icus!postmaster
# Private nodes
icus attmail(DIRECT), # Local and (800) call
shop(POLLED) # Private non-distributed links
attmail icus(DEMAND) # AT&T Mail calls on demand
Note: machine 'vigin' - from virgin technologies is also advertising
a connection to attmail.
If this is a pay service, I suggest you don't advertise to the world
such a connection. You should have a private and public map.
Bruce G. Barnett