Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!julian!uwovax!heinicke From: heinicke@uwovax.uwo.cdn Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm Subject: Re: C-64 Turbo Tape Commands Message-ID: <264@uwovax.uwo.cdn> Date: 30 Apr 88 16:24:32 GMT References: <948@edsdrd.UUCP> Lines: 25 Organisation: University of Western Ontario, Canada In article <948@edsdrd.UUCP>, pjc@edsdrd.UUCP (Patrick J. Cavanaugh) writes: > I need a little help with some oldstuff. > that i am trying to resurect for my kid > its an old Commodore tape drive and i forgot how to use the Turbo program > heres the problem > I have a C-64, a CBM tape recorder and > a tape full of programs. The first program > is called TURBO and all the rest of the programs are saved under the turbo format > i cant figure out how to load turbo or to load the programs... I presume you mean the Turbotape program from the Jan/85 issue of Compute! mag. If so- - turn on machine & load & run any other utilities first. - load the Turbotape program. (It should be called TURBO/64) A command LOAD "TURBO/64" will do - unless the name's been changed. - Then run it - Then to save a program, use TSAVE "filename". TVERIFY works to verify. - For ML programs, use TSAVE "prog name",aaa,bbb where aaa = start address, and bbb = end address + 1. - Loading programs saved this way don't need the utility. Just load as normal.