Xref: utzoo comp.sys.cbm:1329 comp.sys.amiga:17852 misc.forsale:1277 misc.wanted:2072 misc.misc:2675 Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!rutgers!iuvax!inuxc!inuxm!micl23 From: micl23@inuxm.UUCP (W E Miller) Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm,comp.sys.amiga,misc.forsale,misc.wanted,misc.misc Subject: INTERFACE FOUND!!!! Message-ID: <592@inuxm.UUCP> Date: 19 Apr 88 14:20:09 GMT Distribution: na Organization: AT&T Consumer Products, Indianapolis Lines: 17 A brief THANKS to all who helped. I found the interface I needed. For others who may be interested, the SUPRA CORP. 1133 Commercial Way SE Albany, Oregon 97321 manufactures the CardPrint G-Wiz Interface. It's available from Tenex Computer P.O.Box 6578 South Bend, IN 46660-6578. Thanks also for the info that CARDCO was bought by SUPRA. All my doubts are gone, and my interface is on the way. ......An American success story...... Thanks again. William E. Miller, RV AT&T CPL INH 1E505 Indianapolis, IN "Load THAT in your accumulator and rotate it!!" -CAPTAIN MNEMO