Xref: utzoo comp.sys.cbm:1321 comp.sys.amiga:17812 Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!rutgers!iuvax!inuxc!inuxm!micl23 From: micl23@inuxm.UUCP (W E Miller) Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm,comp.sys.amiga Subject: Need address of CARDCO Message-ID: <591@inuxm.UUCP> Date: 18 Apr 88 19:48:40 GMT Distribution: na Organization: AT&T Consumer Products, Indianapolis Lines: 10 Does anyone out there know the address of CARDCO, the guys who make printer interfaces? Are they still in business? Does anyone know the address of a company called SUPRA Corp.? Thanks W.E. Miller AT&T CPL INDPLS, IN