Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!lll-winken!lll-tis!ames!pasteur!ucbvax!BU-CS.BU.EDU!GDAU100%BGUVM
From: GDAU100%BGUVM@BU-CS.BU.EDU ("Jonathan B. Owen")
Newsgroups: comp.society.futures
Subject: Re: Computer Literacy
Message-ID: <>
Date: 13 Apr 88 15:00:13 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 9
X-Unparsable-Date: Wed, 13 Apr 88 15:03:45 IST

I think compiling is used correctly in the statement "Compiling a data-base".
This considering the word means "building" or "Creating".
  (--)    /--)     /-(\                 Email: gdau100@bguvm (bitnet)
  \ /    /--K      : \:/\   /\/) /:-\   Snail: 6/15 Mendelson, Tel-Aviv  Israel
  _/_/o /L__)_/o \/\__/  \X/  \_/ : :_/ Voice: (03) 557-7519
 (/        Jonathan B. Owen
 Point of view:  A chicken is the means by which an egg reproduces an egg.