Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!ukma!uflorida!!tws
From: (Thomas Sarver)
Newsgroups: comp.society.futures
Subject: Re: New mailing list to discuss anarchism started.
Message-ID: <14533@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>
Date: 11 Apr 88 15:39:34 GMT
References: <> <510@vsi.UUCP> <>
Sender: news@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU
Reply-To: (Thomas Sarver)
Organization: UF CIS Department
Lines: 24

In article <> haynes@ucscc.UCSC.EDU (Jim Haynes) writes:
>In article <510@vsi.UUCP> sullivan@vsi.UUCP (Michael T Sullivan) writes:
>>A (moderated) mailing list to discuss anarchy!  This gets better all the
>>time :-)!
>I was just thinking the same thing.  I would think the list would
>allow anybody to join or withdraw at any time, and also to add or
>delete anyone else from the list at any time.

Maybe not to delete anyone else from the list.  After all, even anarchists
admit to internal discipline.  Even those aggressive anarchists that believe
might makes right wouldn't think that deleting someone from the list was an
exertion of will (it's too easy).  But then, again, if only the moderator had
the might, he would be successfully exerting his right on the rest of the list.

I suggest that anarchists simply inject their opinions throughout the net in
every newsgroup they find interesting.

Thomas Sarver