Xref: utzoo comp.society.futures:399 comp.ai:1503
Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!lll-winken!lll-lcc!ames!ll-xn!mit-eddie!bbn!rochester!udel!udccvax1!arti
From: arti@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Arti Nigam)
Newsgroups: comp.society.futures,comp.ai
Subject: Re: The future of AI [was Re: Time Magazine -- Computers of the Future]
Message-ID: <922@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU>
Date: 1 Apr 88 22:26:06 GMT
References: <8803270154.AA08607@bu-cs.bu.edu> <962@daisy.UUCP> <4640@bcsaic.UUCP> <4565@june.cs.washington.edu>
Reply-To: arti@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Arti Nigam)
Organization: University of Delaware
Lines: 12

In article <4565@june.cs.washington.edu> you write:
>We always have the choice not to develop a technology; what may be lacking
>are reasons or will.

I heard this from one of the greats in computer-hardware-evolution, only
I don't remember his name.  What he said, and I say, is essentially this;
if you are part of an effort towards progress, in whatever field or
domain, you should have some understanding of  WHERE you are going and
WHY you want to get there.

Arti Nigam