Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!bloom-beacon!gatech!hubcap!J
From: (J Storrs Hall)
Newsgroups: comp.parallel
Subject: Proposal for Nanotechnology newsgroup
Message-ID: <1353@hubcap.UUCP>
Date: 11 Apr 88 14:47:24 GMT
Sender: fpst@hubcap.UUCP
Lines: 58

[My apologies if you see this twice-- cross-posting won't work to a 
 moderated group.  This stuff does have a bearing on parallel
 computing, albeit somewhat down the road.  In fact parallel 
 architectures are my main research interest... ]

I wish to start a new group to discuss nanotechnology.  I have searched high 
and low for such a group amongst the existing ones with no success.

Nanotechnology is the as-yet-nascent engineering of molecular-scale machines.
The word "nanotechnology" was introduced by Eric Drexler in "The Engines
of Creation".

A nanotech group would take into its purview somewhat disparate areas, 
such as
	-- molecular modelling
	-- physics of computation (as relates to atomic-sized gates...)
	-- hyper-parallel fine-grain architectures (ditto)
	-- theory of self-reproducing machines
	-- molecular machine design (gears, pulleys, levers...)
	-- Higher-level organizational issues, ie, how do you build
		a house using submicroscopic machines
	-- "profiles of the future" (although limited to what things
		nanotechnology will or will not make possible, and
		leave the "social implications" to other groups.)

There is an ARPANET nanotech list, which I would try to gateway.  

I propose this to be a moderated list, and I volunteer to be the
moderator.  As a technical group, I don't expect there to be any
significant arguments on the list, so the moderator's function would
be primarily to eliminate redundancy and to insert directly information
from various outside sources, which I already collect.

Because this is to be a technical group, the proper Usenet 
classification appears to be sci.nanotech.

Usenet backbone rules require a vote on new groups, so I hereby
solicit your vote:  Please mail to me, and don't post to this newsgroup:
or ...!rutgers!!josh 

 a message saying that you vote YES for the sci.nanotech newsgroup.
(If you use the "r" command, save off a copy before sending as the 
"r" command often misroutes mail;  if the "r" message bounces you can 
mail to the appropriate address above.)

After the standard 30-day period, the votes will be counted.  That works
out to be May 8 as I write this.  That leaves you long enough to go out
and buy "Engines of Creation" and read it (if you haven't already).

Then send me a yes before seven days in May have elapsed...


Inventor, n.:  One who assembles an ingenious collection of gears, 
               pulleys, and levers, and believes it Civilization.
  -- Ambrose Bierce