Xref: utzoo comp.mail.uucp:1227 comp.dcom.modems:1717
Path: utzoo!lsuc!ncrcan!brambo!morgan
From: morgan@brambo.UUCP (Morgan W. Jones)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.uucp,comp.dcom.modems
Subject: Re: TELEBIT modems and UUGETTY
Message-ID: <389@brambo.UUCP>
Date: 14 Apr 88 05:56:57 GMT
References: <1133@cblpf.ATT.COM>
Reply-To: morgan@brambo.UUCP (Morgan W. Jones)
Organization: Bramalea Software Inc., Bramalea, Ont.
Lines: 19

To use the same line for dialing in and out under HBD uugetty, try:

Set your modem to default to following the true carrier and not printing
messages by entering ATC2Q1&W or some such, and use something like the
following in your dialers file:

aj2412	=,--	"" \dATQ OK \EATDT\T CONNECT-ATZ

We've been using this for about 4 months without problems. The ATQ
turns on command responses and the -ATZ will reset the modem if you
can't connect (otherwise when someone calls in the modem will still be
set in 'print response' mode and you will get the login problems).

Hope this helps.

Morgan Jones - Bramalea Software Inc.        morgan@brambo.UUCP
      ...!{uunet!mnetor!lsuc!ncrcan, utgpu!telly}!brambo!morgan
"These might not even be my opinions, let alone anyone else's."