Xref: utzoo comp.mail.uucp:1214 comp.dcom.modems:1708
Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!mailrus!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!osu-cis!att-cb!cblpf!mark
From: mark@cblpf.ATT.COM (Mark Horton)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.uucp,comp.dcom.modems
Subject: TELEBIT modems and UUGETTY
Message-ID: <1133@cblpf.ATT.COM>
Date: 12 Apr 88 15:52:07 GMT
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories - Columbus, Ohio
Lines: 21

I have a single phone line and a TELEBIT Trailblazer modem.  I would
like to upgrade the existing 1200 BPS internal modem on the UNIX PC
to use the Trailblazer.

Since it's a single phone line, I must use uugetty with HDB UUCP
to allow both dialin and dialout on the same port.  This works fine
with the internal modem, and with the AT&T 4024, but the TELEBIT uses
the Hayes command set, and the Hayes codes and uugetty don't get along.

If I option the modem to report result codes, then every time somebody
dials in, the modem says RING, uugetty tries to log the user in as RING,
and the modem and computer start sucking up CPU time talking to each other.

If I option the modem to report NO access codes, then when it dials out,
if it succeeds or fails, there is no way for the computer to detect this,
since the modem has become silent.  This means you're dialing blind, and
debugging failures becomes very hard.

Has anyone solved this problem, especially for the Telebit?
