Xref: utzoo comp.mail.elm:461 comp.mail.uucp:1201 Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!bloom-beacon!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!mailrus!umix!umich!mibte!gamma!ulysses!thumper!faline!bellcore!tness7!mechjgh From: mechjgh@tness7.UUCP (Greg Hackney ) Newsgroups: comp.mail.elm,comp.mail.uucp Subject: Question on address styles Message-ID: <379@tness7.UUCP> Date: 8 Apr 88 14:49:52 GMT Lines: 22 Keywords: internet style versus bang style Using the Elm mailer, I type the address: murthy@svax.cs.cornell.edu Elm reads the paths file, and changes it to the shortest route: bellcore!rutgers!murthy@svax.CS.CORNELL.EDU rutgers kicks it back as an UNKNOWN host, but it WILL accept this address: bellcore!rutgers!svax.cs.cornell.edu!murthy Is it rutgers, Elm, or my domains and paths file that is screwed, or all of the above? Thanks in advance. -- Greg {ihnp4 | bellcore}!tness1!mechjgh